Tuesday 25 August 2020

Teleconsultation Services and their Benefits

To prevent the spreading of the Coronavirus, telemedicine service becomes the most convenient mode to treat medical conditions. Discover the true benefits of this service.

COVID-19 has created a pandemic situation. More and more people every day are victimized by this highly contagious infection. This virus spreads through contact. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, the virus is exposed in the air and easily infects others, close to him/her. Maintaining social distancing is the only way to stop spreading the disease. So, life becomes tough now. You can prevent you to go outside without reasons but, what will you do when you have a health emergency? Many people live with chronic health problems and they need a regular medical checkup. Besides, if there is an urgent health issue, what should be the next step? Is it safe to visit a doctor’s clinic in this situation? How reasonable it is to carry older and disable people to a hospital or health clinic for treatment? To answer all these questions, you need to know about the teleconsultation service.

What is a teleconsultation service?

To prevent the spreading of Coronavirus, teleconsultation service is the right way to treat patients. It includes an online doctor’s consultation, video calling with doctors, text messages, a telemedicine facility, and more. Situations like cough, flu, cold, toothache, allergies, asthma, infections, and other health conditions, patients have medical advice via phone or video calling from respected doctors in this service with no time limitations.

Benefits of teleconsultation service

It is easy to access telehealth and online consultation services. It is much more convenient also to arrange a meeting at your preferred time no matter how busy you are. Even you can access a doctor online from any suitable place you prefer. It can be your home, office, or any other place, convenient to you. Patients and medical practitioners stay connected to share and solve health issues just with a smartphone and an internet connection.

Regular and chronic difficulties such as diabetes, allergy, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, heart diseases, dyslipidemia, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, gastrointestinal problems, and others can be treated over video consultation. It is the most cost-effective way to seek medical help in today’s situation.

People who live in remote areas can get the best benefits from this service. For routine health checkups, you don’t need to travel to a doctor’s clinic in this pandemic situation. Just make an online appointment and get a consultation service from the ease of your home.

In the COVID situation when almost every hospital is occupied by infected patients, there is no better way than to avail of the service of a teleconsultation and telemedicine clinic Kolkata for easy and fast diagnosis of medical problems. Patients can relief from their problems faster than a physical visit as you don’t need time for traveling to the clinic.

Sometimes, people want some kind of privacy while doing treatment. It is a good option for them. Patients who have some chronic health issues that he/she wants to discuss with a doctor privately, online consultation provides the freedom to access physicians in private.

Another important factor to consider is the time convenience. Choose your convenient time for the online doctor consultation in Kolkata. Patients can manage their daily chores as well as they have sufficient time to discuss their health issues with the respected physician by this service.

From the above discussion, you can conclude that online doctor’s consultation is the most effective, convenient, and time-saving way to treat problematic health issues without a personal visit to a medical practitioner that is risky and unsafe in this COVID pandemic situation.

Are you ready for a video consultation with your doctor? You have one more task before you proceed with the service. Send all your test reports and previous medical histories to the doctor that he/she has sufficient time to analyze them properly for better treatment. Making the online consultation much more effective and time-efficient, this step is highly required and recommended by doctors.

Dr. Amitabha Saha has started the teleconsultation and telemedicine clinic Kolkata where patients are diagnosed and treated carefully with enhanced safety. To get the appointment for the online doctor consultation in Kolkata, visit his website.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Guidelines and Consultations on how to Stay Safe in COVID Outbreak

Novel Corona virus or COVID 19 has become a major threat these days. It was identified in Wuhan, a city of China, and rapidly spread nearly every continent across the globe. The symptoms look like flu and the disease spreads like other respiratory diseases. It can be spread through infected air-droplets, came out from the affected person while talking, sneezing, or coughing.

The good news is that the disease has a very low mortality rate. 98% of infected people can survive with proper treatment. Even 80% with minimal flu-like symptoms can recover at home. Around 14% of cases are severe with serious illness and 5% can result in critical conditions or death. COVID 19 can lead to serious complications like pneumonia or other respiratory problems to those who have diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung condition, asthma, hypertension, and other health complications. There is no evidence that these health conditions increase the risk to be infected by the virus but people with diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and other health complications are more vulnerable to difficulties and having seriously sick from the virus once they have the infection, study says.

In each country, the Government restricts some rules to check the infection and death. India is not an exception. Indian Government declared total lockdown in March and extended it gradually. There is a huge fall in the Indian economy for this total shut though there is no other way to stop the virus from spreading. From the 8th of June, many private and Government sectors have started again. It may bring more risks of infection, so, people should follow the right safety measures for increasing safety and wellbeing. Doctors say, this is a permanent problem now and we have to stay with this trouble for an indefinite period. So, practicing safety measures is the only way to prevent and control the outbreak.

Simple and sensible measures in every-day life to avoid spreading the infection:

Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based solutions frequently, especially before eating and after being in public

Use your own glasses, towels, and accessories, not to share food with others

Avoid close contact with people who are sick, sneezing, and coughing

If you have respiratory symptoms, stay at home and inform your health care provider

When sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with a clean tissue and throw it in the waste bin after use

Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

Wear a clean mask when going outside

Keep your home and frequently-used-objects clean and disinfected

Healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and rest is important

Safety rules for those with Diabetes

Maintain proper hydration

Monitor your blood glucose regularly

Observe your body temperature

If you are on insulin, check your ketone bodies

Follow your doctor’s guidance

Keep your equipment clean and sterile

Stock your medicines and supplies for handling emergencies

Maintain a healthy diet

Safety rules for those with Hypertension

Continue your blood pressure medicines as prescribed

Measure your blood pressure regularly at home

People, particularly older adults, should consume adequate fluids to stay hydrated

Physical activity is highly recommended in this period

Clean and disinfect monitoring-equipment regularly

Safety rules for those with Asthma

Do not stop your medications and keep your condition under control

Store emergency drugs and inhaler that you don’t need to go outside frequently

Hydration is a must

Keep your house, used objects, and medical equipment clean and germ-free

Wear face mask properly to protect your lungs even from dust and other allergens

If you have these health conditions, doctor’s consultation is a must. To lessen the risks of infection and to increase safety, stay connected with your physician. These days, the teleconsultation facility is a great choice for obtaining advice and guidance from doctors. Stay at home and stay safe.

Dr. Amitabha Saha is a gold-medalist physician with experience above two decades. He is a renowned name in the Internal Medicine in Kolkata. His expert guidance, diagnostic skills, and treatment procedures facilitate patients to a new height. For an online appointment or other details, visit the website. 

Tuesday 14 January 2020

The best Cough Management and Asthma Treatment at Kolkata

Coughing is very common among people. It indicates that there is some problem in the respiratory system. It can be happened due to viruses or germs, smoking, air pollution, dust, passive smoking or a simple thing that irritates your respiratory tract.

One of the common cause of constant cough is post-nasal drip, where nasal secretion drops down from posterior nares over the laryngeal inlet and initiates cough. Asthma is another cause of chronic cough. While bacteria and viruses can cause a few symptoms, chronic lung disease can also cause chronic cough. GORD ( Gastro Oesophaseal Reflux Diseases) needs to be addressed for chronic cough.

Acute cough, sub-acute cough, and chronic cough

Doctors describe the symptoms of coughing differently. If it has been present for less than three weeks, they mention it as acute. Bacteria or viruses can cause respiratory infection or dust and foreign substances can cause bronchitis.

In some cases, they prescribe it as a sub-acute cough. A sub-acute cough may hang on a little longer upto eight weeks and it can be caused by an infection or may be the sequale of acute infection.

The last one which persists beyond eight weeks they describe it as chronic. This can be created by chronic infections such as tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, or a tumor, grown on the airway surface. Asthma can be a significant cause of chronic cough.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is a chronic disease with symptoms like hoarseness, laryngitis, chronic dry cough, and a feeling of irritation in the throat. Some contagious diseases other than Tuberculosis can cause chronic symptoms. Whooping cough is a disease that can cause coughing for many weeks. Lung inflammation, sleep apnea, medicine side effects, allergies are some causes of chronic cough.

Acute coughs can be infectious and noninfectious.

Infectious causes include:

Viral upper respiratory infections (the common cold) Acute bronchitis
Sinus infections
Pneumonia Croup in infants Whooping cough

Noninfectious causes include:

Chronic lung conditions such as chronic bronchitis Emphysema, asthma
Environmental allergies


Asthma is very common among people of any age. This results in difficulties in breathing and triggers to coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Frequent coughing at night can be a sign of asthma. It is swelling and constriction of the inhalation tubes in the lungs. While some experience dry and nonproductive cough, some may experience shortness or difficulty in breathing, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and wheezing sound while exhaling. Smoking, obesity, and pollution can adverse the condition.

Asthma symptoms can be controlled by the right diagnosis and medications. You must visit your doctor to track your symptoms and get the treatment as needed. You should visit your specialist if a cough hangs back for more than two weeks and comes repeatedly throughout the year.

If you are looking for the best Asthma treatment at south Kolkata, visit Dr. Amitabha Saha, specialized in diagnosing and treating adult ailments including various types of coughs, asthma and COPD. He is a specialist in critical care medicine and Internal medicine in South Kolkata and an experienced doctor for the following diseases:

Acute respiratory infections and asthma Bronchitis and pneumonia
Diabetes, high blood cholesterol, and triglycerides Anemia
Hypertension or high blood pressure Kidney diseases
Chronic abdominal diseases and many Chronic acidity
Chronic constipation Incontinance of Urine Urgency of Urine

What is cough etiquette or respiratory hygiene?

Cough etiquette or respiratory hygiene is a course of action to prevent the spread of respiratory illness to others. As we do not always know which infection is contagious and which is not, therefore, cough etiquette is very important to protect you from illnesses and to prevent others. Using disposal tissues, washing hands after coughing and sneezing, using masks, and spreading awareness are some cough management etiquettes. Visit Dr. Amitabha Saha for the best Cough management at Kolkata. Keep yourself healthy and free from respiratory infections with this renowned and experienced physician. For appointments and other details, visit the website.

Friday 20 December 2019

Selection of Genuine and Proper general Physician or Specialized one is not very easy

When you are experiencing a sudden pain in your stomach or when you are facing any other health issues, what will you do? Of course, you will try some home remedies and if the issue persists, you will visit a registered practitioner. In the course of his treatment process, the doctor might suggest you go for some routine tests including blood and other pathological ones, based on the severity of the condition. However, some of the problems might get resolved by medication only. Initially, you will choose some general physician. But, what will you do, when there are multiple health issues? You will definitely take suggestions from a general physician and opt for visiting a specialist doctor.
The general practitioners or general physicians are doctors who are not confined to any specific organ of the body but treating patients with multiple health issues. However, in special cases, they refer the patient to the internal medicine practitioners. The biological, physiological and social factors are considered by the general practitioners for the diagnosis. Irrespective of sex, age or levels of complexity, general physicians can diagnose the issue of a patient. However, based on the countries they are residing or the areas, their roles vary greatly. In the developed countries, the general physician is intended in providing treatment and care of chronic health problems and acute cases where the life-threatening diseases are not present. Similarly, in the developing countries or rural areas, the general practitioners are involved in the preventive care and early detection of health issues.

Now comes the point about when you need a doctor, how to select the proper one? This is because of the fact that when you want any General physician at Kolkata, you will find a number of names. Choosing the best one among them is not very easy. Some are simple MBBS with lot many years of experience. On the other hand, some are general physicians with some years of experience with a specialization can also be found. Now, whether you should choose by experience or by specialization or better to say degrees is a tough decision to make. So, you can follow your common sense, some tips and of course reviews from known people.

Some of the tips that you can follow are – you can select some of the names well known in this field and then select the ones whom you think the most effective. Among them, go through the profiles of everyone and search for the reviews. This will give you an idea about who is more genuine and expert in the field. Till now, you have only few names in your list and now you have to choose one that suits all your requirements like dealing with a specific disease or organs or in general, whether their fees structure is within your budget or not, how far you have to travel, and whether the physician is attentive to the patient or only doing business in names of treatment, etc. Similarly, you have to proceed in case of searching Medicine doctor in south Kolkata. However, the proper treatment and cure of the patient matters at the end.

A Range of Reasons Associated with Chest Pain

People may experience chest pain in many forms ranging from crushing or burning feeling, sharp or dull sensation including discomfort in neck, jaws, back, shoulders, and both arms. Common people have trauma that it is a sign of a heart attack or stroke. Certainly, you should not ignore it as it may be an indication of a serious heart condition but, other reasons for chest pain can be life-threatening also if not diagnosed or treated timely.

Chest muscles, joints, ribs, lungs, esophagus, or nerves can cause chest pain also. So, when you don’t know the obvious reason for your discomfort in the chest, visit a chest pain specialist in Kolkata and let him evaluate the cause of your health condition. Here, it is worth discussing that Dr. Amitabha Saha is one of the most reputed doctors in Kolkata for treating a range of conditions, related to chest pain.

Some significant causes of chest pains:

Heart-related causes
Most of the chest pain is associated with heart problems but, it does not mean that every time patients have discomfort or pain in the chest. A heart attack may be silent. But usually, when someone has the following problems, it may indicate heart-related chest pain:
  1. Intense pressure or tightness in the chest
  2. Sweating
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Dizziness
  5. Vomiting or nausea
  6. Heart-related chest pain has several causes including:
  7. Angina
  8. Heart attack
  9. Pericarditis
  10. Aortic dissection

Lung-related causes
Problematic lungs can cause severe or light pain that may invite life-threatening issues without treatment. The sufferer may feel a shortness of breath or other breathing disorders due to injured or inflamed lungs. This type of problem may increase with cold, flu, fever, and other infections. Palpitation and irregular heart rhythm can be significant symptoms.

Lung-related pains have many causes including:
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Pleurisy
  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Chronic obstructive lung disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Collapsed lung

Chest pain associated with gastrointestinal problems
Most of the heart and lung-related chest pains aggravate with exertion or physical activities. But when the pain is associated with gastrointestinal problems, patients may get relief by some light physical activities. Esophagus, the pipe that carries food and liquids to the stomach is more likely associated with the chest pain due to digestive disorders.

  • Digestive causes include:
  • Heartburn
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
  • Esophagitis
  • Esophageal hypersensitivity
  • Esophageal rupture
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Gallstones
  • Hiatal hernia

Chest pain associated with muscle and bone problems
Injuries in the chest area due to falls or accidents may result in pains. Patients may have a feeling of stiffness or tenderness in the chest. It may increase in movements. The causes include:
  1. Muscle strain
  2. Fibromyalgia
  3. Costochondritis
  4. Sore muscles
  5. Injured rib

Other causes
Mental-health-related chest pain may affect people in some cases. It may feel like heart-related pains. People with unstable mental conditions may feel palpitation, nausea, light headedness, sweating, shortness of breath, or a feeling of stabbing or needlelike pain in their chest. Some people may feel a pain in the chest while in a flight or crowds. Mental causes may include:

  • Panic attack
  • Anxiety attack

When you feel a sudden chest pain that does not get relief by continuing anti-inflammatory drugs, changing diets or other home remedies, don’t take any risk and contact Dr. Amitabha Saha, the best chest pain specialist in Kolkata. He has significant knowledge and advanced equipment in his clinic to evaluate your condition more accurately. You have fast relief from your critical health issues when you are treated by this experienced doctor. For inquiry and other details, visit the website.

Thursday 19 September 2019

How to get Rid of Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver is caused by storing excess fat in liver cells. Its medical term is hepatic steatosis. The liver is the most important organ in the human body. It extracts nutrients from foods and filters dangerous toxins from the blood. Too much fat in the liver can damage its functions even it leads to dangerous liver failure.
There are two types of fatty liver diseases. One is nonalcoholic that is caused by unknown factors. Another is an alcoholic fatty liver syndrome that is developed among the people who consume alcohol heavily.
In most of the cases, there is no significant symptom of this disease. Some patients may develop the following symptoms:
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling exhausted
  • Loss of taste and hunger
  • Yellowish eyes and skin
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling in legs and tummy
  • Itchy skin
  • A cluster of blood under the skin
Causes of storing fats in the liver cells can be diverse. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the common causes of this, though a non-alcoholic fatty liver may affect anyone without any harsh symptom. Some factors considered as the cause of this syndrome are:
  • Liver diseases in the family history
  • Too much alcoholic
  • Any medical condition
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Unhealthy food habit
  • Some medications
  • Obesity
Are you suffering from an advanced stage of it? Are you feeling fatigued or losing your weight rapidly? Are you feeling pain in the right side of the upper abdomen? Are you facing problems in your digestion? If you have any such indications in your body, don’t neglect it. It can be a symptom of liver disease. Neglecting in the initial stage may lead you to experience more suffering later. Remember that if you keep it untreated it can be scary even deadly. Liver fibrosis and cirrhosis are life-threatening complications.

Fattyliver disease treatment offers diverse opportunities. To treat liver diseases and to keep this organ healthy and functional you should get some medical guidance of an experienced physician. If you are looking for one of the best options for fatty liver disease, Dr.Amitabha Saha can be the best choice. He is a competent doctor with twenty-two plus years of experience. He is a gold medalist physician with several international degrees. He is popular in treating several ailments with necessary medications, medical procedures, and the latest industry equipment.

He is a specialist in internal medicine and critical care among adults. Treating numerous ailments his dedication and knowledge know no bound. His expertise is endless to treat the following health problems:
  • Fatty liver
  • Cirrhosis
  • Diabetes
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Diabetes with kidney problem
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Hypertension
  • Abdominal pain
  • Internal diseases

Before starting any treatment, proper diagnosis is very important to manage complications. Other than diet change and increased physical activities, anyone with a fatty liver problem needs proper diagnosis and guidance regularly. Dr. Amitabha Saha has the experience, expertise, understanding, sincerity, and sympathy to treat any sort of diseases including liver diseases. For the Fattyliver Treatment South Kolkata, he is one of the best options. You can expect the best and improved medication and treatment procedures with him. There are many chambers in Kolkata where he visits patients. With his careful diagnosis and guidance, you will relieve from your ailments and will have a better living certainly. For more detailed information, visit his website. 

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Routine Checkup is Vital in Avoiding Emergency Health Issues

Leading a healthy and joyful life depends on many factors. Among them, the basic key is the physical and mental health. The physical health is very vital. Physical health is related to the internal organs and also external factors like weather, lifestyle and other such things. Several types of health hazards can be experienced for any of the factors. Weather, lifestyle and another external factor dependent physical issue can be eliminated by maintaining some diets, exercises, and medications. However, in the case of the internal organ failure or severe damage of the same due to any reason, the condition of the patient might be at stake.

An emergency situation of a person can arise anytime and anywhere. To avoid such emergency situations, certain lifestyles are highly recommended. One of the actions that should be taken is health check-up at regular intervals along with a properly balanced diet and a few exercises.

Now the question is whom should you visit for a regular check-up. The answer is very simple; you should visit a general physician. A doctor can check the patient and diagnose if there is any abnormality or not. If the problem is diagnosed by the physician after initial diagnosis, medication can treat the case. However, complexities can arise in some cases, where initial check-up is not enough to diagnose the issue. In such cases, general physicians suggest the patient visit some specialist for the actual diagnosis of the health problem. In the case of multi-system disease or cases where complex investigations are required, a specialist in internal medicine needs to be consulted.

In Commonwealth nations, the specialists in internal medicine deal with avoidance, diagnosis and also the cure of adult diseases. Undifferentiated health problems or multi-system disease processes are cured by internal medicine practitioners or internists. In most of the cases, patients of this category are diagnosed with the abnormalities after a serious illness or emergency cases, when they need to be carried in an ambulance. Internal medicine doctor in Kolkata are usually trained in multi-system diseases and the training includes surgery, pediatrics, etc., although they perform surgeries and baby treatments in rare cases only.

Some complex health problems like dyslipidemia can be seen in patients and are defined as blood lipids in abnormally high or low quantities without any such symptoms. The term is, however, a broad one with several conditions involved, like high levels of bad cholesterol, high level of triglycerides, low levels of good cholesterol, etc. You might need Dyslipidemia treatment in South Kolkata. The type of disease can be severe in some cases, although most of the patients with this type of disease are unaware of it. A routine blood test or some other tests that might be required in different conditions can diagnose the disease. Although most patients are unaware of the disease, if untreated, the issue can lead to severe conditions of artery diseases that might be a heart attack or stroke.

Whatever the health issue, if all types of treatments are available in a single clinic or hospital and well-trained professionals or specialists is available for the treatments, patients are benefitted mostly.

Teleconsultation Services and their Benefits

To prevent the spreading of the Coronavirus, telemedicine service becomes the most convenient mode to treat medical conditions. Discover the...